An NDoc Documented Class Library

Entity Members

Entity overview

Public Instance Constructors

Entity Constructor Initializes a new instance of the Entity class.

Public Instance Fields

Catchenabled If Catchenabled is false, then you cannot hit the entity, else it is a candidate to catch them with the mousepointer. Default is true; Select
GenerateNames (inherited from MNComponent) If GenerateNames is true then a MNName willbe generated if the parent is set to a component with has no name. With GenerateNames is guarantized, the every member of a tree ( except the root ) has a unique name and there is a fullpath, with that the element can be identified.
UpDateCount (inherited from MNComponent) 

Public Instance Properties

Base Base is an other aspect of Transformation. She is given from Transformation by the conversion with toBase For something it is better to work with a base as a transformation. Also it is easier to imagine a base. All coordinates, used in the drawmethod of the entity are taken relative to this base.
Count (inherited from MNComponent) Returns the count of children
ItemOverloaded. The default indexer is set to Entity
MNName (inherited from MNComponent) Name of the component.
PaintChildren If PaintChildren is true then all children willbe drawn. The default value is true.
Parent (inherited from MNComponent) Sets or gets the parent of the component and looks for the correct and unique name.
See also GenerateNames, setParent
Tag (inherited from MNComponent) 
Transformation Every Entity has a transformation which is called in the Paint-method. This transformation is also valid for a child and a child's child and so on.
Visible If Visible = true the the entity will be drawn. Default is true

Public Instance Methods

addChild (inherited from MNComponent) Adds an elment in the list.
ChildByName (inherited from MNComponent) Retrieves the index of child by a name.
ChildByPathName (inherited from MNComponent) You can get a MNComponent by setting a fullpath relative to the given MNComponent. Separated are the names by "/".
MNComponent root = new MNComponent();
MNComponent a = new MNComponent();
MNComponent b = new MNComponent();
MNComponent c = new MNComponent();
a.MNName = "Frank";
b.MNName = "Joe";
c.MNName = "Sam";
c.Parent = b;
b.Parent = a;
a.Parent = root;
MNComponent d = root.ChildByPathName("Frank/Joe/Sam");
// d is then the component c

Dispose (inherited from MNComponent) 
Equals (inherited from Object) 
fullPath (inherited from MNComponent) Gives the full path of the component over all ancestors until a null-parent occurs. This parent often called the root. The separator of the names is "/".
GetEnumerator (inherited from MNComponent) Returns the Enumerator of an intern ArrayList
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
getPath (inherited from MNComponent) 
getRoot (inherited from MNComponent) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
InsertChild (inherited from MNComponent) 
MoveTO (inherited from MNComponent) 
Paint This method is called by Paint. She sets the Transformation
RemoveChild (inherited from MNComponent) 
setRoot Sets an Entity as a Root-Element. This method sis called, if you sets an Entity as a Root-property. You havn't to call that method directly.
ToString (inherited from Object) 
UpDate Overrides the UpDate- method and informs the MNDevice, that the contents are changed
UpDated Overrides the UpDated-method and informs all devices in which the entity is visible. So a change of an entity makes changes in all devices.
UpDating Overrides the UpDating-method and informs all devices in which the entity will be drawn by a call of their Updating-method.

Public Instance Events

OnDraw From draw a OnDraw-event is fired. You can use them. So you musnt derive a component.
OnUpdate (inherited from MNComponent) 
OnUpdating (inherited from MNComponent) 

Protected Instance Methods

draw From the Paint-method a 'draw' is called. It is better to override drawmetod than the Paintmethod, because in the Paintmethod some calls enclose the drawmethod ( for example the transformation will be setted ).
Finalize (inherited from Object) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 
setParent Overrides the setParentmethod, because in that case the visibility hase changed.

See Also

Entity Class | Minais.Drawing3d Namespace