MNDevice is the basic abstract class for all the other devices. She implements all concepts of a modern graphicengine, like Lights,Material, Texture, ProjectionMatrix... Beside the representation of graphic objects she offers the possibility beyond that to select graphical objects in a very confortable way See HitItemList The MNdevice is linked to a WinControl and manages also their mouseevents ( MouseMove ,MouseDown , MouseUp, windowsevents (Resize, OnPaint ..).
The fastest way to see some result is to use the OnPaint-Method. There you can set up some primitive drawmethods like (drawPolyLine, drawSurface, drawPolyCurve,...). With the property Navigate a automatical navigation of the device can be forced.
From this device derived are the
- OpenGlDevice :
She uses the opengllibrary opengl32.dll.
- DirectXDevice:
She uses Microsofts Directdraw.
For a list of all members of this type, see MNDevice Members.
Public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.
Namespace: Minais.Drawing3d
Assembly: Drawing3d (in Drawing3d.dll)