An NDoc Documented Class Library

Matrix Members

Matrix overview

Public Static Properties


Public Static Methods

Frustum Returns the perspective projection. The Frustum, which is given by (right, top, near) (left, top, near), ( right, bottom, near) and (left, bottom, near) as surface area and (right, top, far), (left, top, far), ( right, bottom, far) and (left, bottom, far) as cover area. This furstum will bee thransformed to a cube with (1, 1, 1) and (-1, -1, -1)
Orthogonal Returns the ortogonal projection, where the point( right, top, far) is mapped to (1, 1, 1) and the point( left, bottom, near) to (-1, -1, -1) You can imagine a cube, which is genereted by it's edgepoints ( right, top, far) and ( left, bottom, near) Remark: The viewingcube is clipping the scene
RotationOverloaded. returns a Rotationmatrix , whose rotationaxis is given by direction. Angle is the ratationangle.
Translation Returns a translationmatrix. The values are given by the translationvector pt.

Public Static Operators

Division Operator Multiply the matrix by the inverse matrix of b;
Multiplication OperatorOverloaded. This operator calculates the usual matrix multiplication a * b The colcount of a mast be equals the rowcount of b.

Public Instance Constructors

Matrix Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the Matrix class.

Public Instance Fields

items Array, who conains the values of the matrix

Public Instance Properties

Cols Retrieves the count of columns of the matrix
Item The defaultproperty which gives or sets the i,j element of the matrix.
Rows retrieves the Rowcount of the matrix

Public Instance Methods

GetHashCode overrides GetHashCode()
GetType (inherited from Object) 
invert Inverts a matrix and returns this. Is the matrix singular then a MathException is fired.
mul The usual matrixmultiplication
toBase Converts a Matrix to a base, by taken the columnvectors as Basevectors.
transpose Gives a transposed matrix.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

See Also

Matrix Class | Minais.Drawing3d.Math Namespace