activateColor (inherited from DrawCtrl) | Draws an active marker, how will be highlighted by the HoverColor if the mousepointer moves over it. With the parameter Tag you can set informations to identify the marker in an other context. |
addChild (inherited from MNComponent) | Adds an elment in the list. |
AfterUndo (inherited from TaskCtrl) | |
Busy | |
ChildByName (inherited from MNComponent) | Retrieves the index of child by a name. |
ChildByPathName (inherited from MNComponent) | You can get a MNComponent by setting a fullpath relative to the given MNComponent. Separated are the names by "/". MNComponent root = new MNComponent();
MNComponent a = new MNComponent();
MNComponent b = new MNComponent();
MNComponent c = new MNComponent();
a.MNName = "Frank";
b.MNName = "Joe";
c.MNName = "Sam";
c.Parent = b;
b.Parent = a;
a.Parent = root;
MNComponent d = root.ChildByPathName("Frank/Joe/Sam");
// d is then the component c
ClickedPos (inherited from ActiveCtrl) | |
Commit (inherited from TaskCtrl) | |
CtrlCircle (inherited from DrawCtrl) | Overloaded. |
ctrlCurve (inherited from DrawCtrl) | Draws an active Curve C, how will be highlighted by the HoverColor if the mousepointer moves over it. With the parameter Tag you can set informations to identify the curve in an other context.
ctrlLine (inherited from DrawCtrl) | Overloaded. Draws an active line from A to B, how will be highlighted by the HoverColor if the mousepointer moves over it. With the parameter Tag you can set informations to identify the line in an other context.
ctrlMarker (inherited from DrawCtrl) | Overloaded. Draws an active marker, how will be highlighted by the HoverColor if the mousepointer moves over it. With the parameter Tag you can set informations to identify the marker in an other context. |
ctrlPoly (inherited from DrawCtrl) | Overloaded. Draws an active polygon a, how will be highlighted by the HoverColor if the mousepointer moves over it. With the parameter Tag you can set informations to identify the polygon in an other context.
CtrlRect (inherited from DrawCtrl) | |
Dispose (inherited from MNComponent) | |
Equals (inherited from Object) | |
EventHandled (inherited from ActiveCtrl) | |
fullPath (inherited from MNComponent) | Gives the full path of the component over all ancestors until a null-parent occurs. This parent often called the root. The separator of the names is "/". |
GetEnumerator (inherited from MNComponent) | Returns the Enumerator of an intern ArrayList |
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) | |
getPath (inherited from MNComponent) | |
getRoot (inherited from MNComponent) | |
GetScale | |
GetType (inherited from Object) | |
InsertChild (inherited from MNComponent) | |
MoveEventPosTo (inherited from ActiveCtrl) | |
MoveTO (inherited from MNComponent) | |
Paint (inherited from Entity) | This method is called by Paint. She sets the Transformation
Refresh | |
RemoveChild (inherited from MNComponent) | |
setRoot (inherited from Entity) | Sets an Entity as a Root-Element. This method sis called, if you sets an Entity as a Root-property. You havn't to call that method directly. |
SetScale | |
Terminate | |
ToString (inherited from Object) | |
Transform (inherited from Entity) | |
UnDo | |
UpDate (inherited from Entity) | Overrides the UpDate- method and informs the MNDevice, that the contents are changed |
UpDated (inherited from Entity) | Overrides the UpDated-method and informs all devices in which the entity is visible. So a change of an entity makes changes in all devices. |
UpDating (inherited from Entity) | Overrides the UpDating-method and informs all devices in which the entity will be drawn by a call of their Updating-method. |