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QSpline Members

QSpline overview

Public Instance Constructors

QSpline Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the QSpline class.

Public Instance Fields

OnChanged (inherited from Curve) 
Resolution (inherited from Curve) 
Tag (inherited from Curve) 
Visible (inherited from Curve) 

Public Instance Properties

A (inherited from MNCurve) Returns and sets the StartPoint.See getA and setA
Atang (inherited from MNCurve) Returns and sets the starttangent. See getAtang, setAtang and Btang
B (inherited from MNCurve) Returns and sets the EndPoint.See getB and setB
Btang (inherited from MNCurve) Returns and sets the endtangent. See getBtang, setBtang and Atang
ControlPoint Sets and gets the Controlpoint of the QSpline
CurveLength (inherited from Curve) Retrieves the length of the curve.
fromParam (inherited from Curve) 
Maxrect (inherited from Curve) 
Smooth (inherited from MNCurve) 
toParam (inherited from Curve) 
Weight Sets and gets the attraction of the controlpoint of the Qspline.

Public Instance Methods

Changed (inherited from Curve) 
Clone (inherited from Curve) Produces an exact copy of the curve by using the BinaryFormatter. So you have to mark a new instance of Curve with the attribute [Serializable].
Cross (inherited from Curve) 
Derivation Overrides the Derivation-method and retrieves the funQSplineDerive- funcion.
Distance (inherited from Curve) This method calculates the distance of a LineType to a Curve only in case, when the distance is smaller then MaxDist else big will be returned. You can imagine a cylinders with radius MaxDist around the Curve. If now the line goes through the "curved" cylinder, then this is a good one and the distance will be calculated and returned.
Equals (inherited from Object) 
GetCrossList (inherited from Curve) 
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetMaxrect (inherited from Curve)Overloaded.  
GetType (inherited from Object) 
InsertPoint (inherited from Curve) 
Invert (inherited from MNCurve) 
LengthToParam (inherited from Curve) Converts a length to a param, which ca be used in the method Value.
Parallel (inherited from Curve) Returns a leftside parallel xyArray to the curve, which has a distance of width.
ParamToLength (inherited from Curve) Calculates the length of a part of the curve, which is given form 0 to the value param.
ToArray (inherited from Curve) This method fills values, calculated by the function Value in an array, starting at index.
ToString (inherited from Object) 
Transform Overrides the Transform-method, whitch transforms the Points A, B and the ControlPoint.
Value Overrides the Value-method and retrieves the funQSpline- funcion.

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) 
getA Overrides the method getA.
getB Overrides the method getB.
GetMaxrect (inherited from Curve)Overloaded.  
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 
setA Overrides the abstract setA-method and sets A in a local value.
setAtang Overrides the setAtang-method
setB Overrides the method setB.
setBtang Overrides the setBtang-method

See Also

QSpline Class | Minais.Drawing3d.Curves Namespace