An NDoc Documented Class Library
QSpline Members
QSpline overview
Public Instance Constructors
Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the QSpline class.
Public Instance Fields
Public Instance Properties
A (inherited from MNCurve ) Returns and sets the StartPoint.See getA and setA
Atang (inherited from MNCurve ) Returns and sets the starttangent. See getAtang , setAtang and Btang
B (inherited from MNCurve ) Returns and sets the EndPoint.See getB and setB
Btang (inherited from MNCurve ) Returns and sets the endtangent. See getBtang , setBtang and Atang
ControlPoint Sets and gets the Controlpoint of the QSpline
CurveLength (inherited from Curve ) Retrieves the length of the curve.
fromParam (inherited from Curve )
Maxrect (inherited from Curve )
Smooth (inherited from MNCurve )
toParam (inherited from Curve )
Weight Sets and gets the attraction of the controlpoint of the Qspline.
Public Instance Methods
Changed (inherited from Curve )
Clone (inherited from Curve ) Produces an exact copy of the curve by using the BinaryFormatter . So you have to mark a new instance of Curve with the attribute [Serializable].
Cross (inherited from Curve )
Derivation Overrides the Derivation -method and retrieves the funQSplineDerive - funcion.
Distance (inherited from Curve ) This method calculates the distance of a LineType to a Curve only in case, when the distance is smaller then MaxDist else big will be returned. You can imagine a cylinders with radius MaxDist around the Curve. If now the line goes through the "curved" cylinder, then this is a good one and the distance will be calculated and returned.
Equals (inherited from Object )
GetCrossList (inherited from Curve )
GetHashCode (inherited from Object )
GetMaxrect (inherited from Curve )Overloaded.
GetType (inherited from Object )
InsertPoint (inherited from Curve )
Invert (inherited from MNCurve )
LengthToParam (inherited from Curve ) Converts a length to a param, which ca be used in the method Value .
Parallel (inherited from Curve ) Returns a leftside parallel xyArray to the curve, which has a distance of width.
ParamToLength (inherited from Curve ) Calculates the length of a part of the curve, which is given form 0 to the value param.
ToArray (inherited from Curve ) This method fills values, calculated by the function Value in an array, starting at index.
ToString (inherited from Object )
Transform Overrides the Transform -method, whitch transforms the Points A, B and the ControlPoint.
Value Overrides the Value -method and retrieves the funQSpline - funcion.
Protected Instance Methods
See Also
QSpline Class | Minais.Drawing3d.Curves Namespace