An NDoc Documented Class Library

Minais.Drawing3d.Curves Namespace

Namespace hierarchy


Class Description
Bezier The class Bezier implements a Beziercurve. Initialized is this curve by for controlpoints, which makes the curve to a cubic Bezier. By setting the Points you can make a bezier of any degree.
Curve The class Curve represents a twodimensional parameterized mathematical curve. The parameter is restricted to the interval [0, 1]. To define a curve you have to override the abstract Methods Value and Derivation If this is done, a curve can be drawn in a device by the method drawCurve Additionally a curve has a resolution. This is used by the method ToArray , who retrieves an array with Resolution+1 points.
CurveArray This class is a container for curves.
In general the curves musnt be coherently.
The Count-property is read- and writeable. A CurveArrray can you directly draw by calling drawPolyCurve
Line Line holds two points A and B and describes a line between A and B.
Loca Loca represents a List of curveArrays. Needed is the class before all to describe areas, how are bounded by curves and have additional holes, who are bounded by curves as well.
With drawPolyPolyCurve you can draw a Loca. In this case the CurveArrays are assumed to be coneherently. If you want to make visible holes, then every curvearray which lays inside of an other must have an other orientation like that. For example: If Loca[0] has a clockwise orientation and Loca[1] lays completly inside of Loca[0] then Loca[1] must have a counterclocwise orientation. In this case you have a hole -describben by Loca[1]- inside Loca[0]
MNCurve MNCurve is an abstract class, which inherits from 'Curve'. She hass the additional properties A ( the startingpoint ) and B ( the endpoint of the curve). MNCurves are needed for construction contours, which are connected by curves. Additional the properties Atang, which holds the starttangent and Btang, which holds the endtangent are implemented.
QSpline Qspline represents a quadratic spline which has the tree Controlpoints A, B and ControlPoint. Additionally it holds a weight, which represents the attractivity of the ControlPoint. Ba default weight is set to 1.


Enumeration Description