An NDoc Documented Class Library

RenderMode Enumeration

If a device plays the paintmechanism, then a so called rendermode is setted. The following Types describe the RenderMode of a device.

public enum RenderMode


Member Name Description
Nothing Nothing is the Rendermode if the device is not in a paintstate
Render Render indicates that the scene will be painted in the normal sense.
Select Is the RenderMode = Select then the selectmechanism will be started. With the selectmechanism you can get an object in a scene.
Maxrect With RenderMode = Maxrect you can get a rectangle enclosing the painting scene
MaxBox RenderMode = MaxBox is fired to obtain an environmentbox of a scene


Namespace: Minais.Drawing3d

Assembly: Drawing3d (in Drawing3d.dll)

See Also

Minais.Drawing3d Namespace