Read and writes the orientation. A xyArray is ClockWise, iff cross > 0. If you sets the value of clockwise to a new value the the array will be inverted.
Calcuates the crossproduct over all members, which is usefull for calculation of the orientation and the area of the array. The length of cross : 2 * area of the polygon
Overloaded. This method calculates the distance of the array to a line only in case, when the distance is smaller then MaxDist else Utils.big will be returned. You can imagine a cylinders with radius MaxDist around the polygon. If now the line goes through the one of the cylinder, then this is a good one and the distance will be calculated and returned.
Calculates a point on the polygon belonging to param. For param = 0 , 1, 2, 3 ... you get the points this[0], this[1], this[2], this[3],... For values between a linear intepolation will be done.
xyzArray a = new xyzArray(4);
a[0]= new xyz(1, 1 );
a[1]= new xyz(1,-1);
a[2]= new xyz(3, 4);
a[3]= new xyz(2, 2);
//a.Value(2.5) = (2.5, 3)