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Utils Members

Utils overview

Public Static Fields

big big is the same as double.MaxValue
bigI bigI is the same as int.MaxValue
Delimiter Separates the coordiantes of a xyz-point, when it is converted to a string Defaultvalue is "/"
DoubleFormat represents the format, in which a double value is converted to a string. This format is used by the overridden ToString-method of xyz, xy ..
epsilon The constant epsilon is used in the methods less and equals. It means the tolerance of these functions. The default value is 1e-10
small small is the same as double.MinValue
smallI smallI is the same as int.MinValue

Public Static Properties


Public Static Methods

Bernstein Calculates the Bernsteincoefficient of degree and index id at the value t. This is used in the calculation of Bezierfunction and Meshes
BernsteinDerive Calculate the derivation of the Bernsteincoefficient of degree, index id at the value t.
DegTORad Converts Degree to Radian
EqualsOverloaded. This function checks the equality between two value. The reason for that is to aoid errors about calculating exactness with doubles. If their distance is less then epsilon then equality is done
FloatToStr Returns the binomialcoefficient, with N over K. z.b.: N_over_K(6, 2) is 15;
funBezier retrieves the value of Bezierfunction at t. The degree is given by the count of Points in the array Points.
funBezierDerive retrieves the first derive of Bezierfunction at t. The degree is given by the count of Points in the array Points.
funQSpline retrieves the value of QSpline ( a quadratic weighted spline) at t. He is given by two points A and B and a controlpoint P. Additionally a weight for the attraction of the controlpoint can be set.
funQSplineDerive Retrieves the first derivation of a Qspline. See funQSpline.
Less This function checks, when a number is less then an other, this means if the difference b - a is less then epsilon then a really "less" is given.
MaxRect Check the point xy and retrieves a rectangle, which contains the rectangle rect and the point xyz
PolarUnit Calculates the points of a unitsphere, where Alpha indicates the geographical longitude and Phi the lattitude. For the values Apha = 0 and Phi = 0 yoe get the Point(1, 0, 0). For an arbitrary sphere you have to multiply with his Radius
RadToDeg Converts Radian to Degree
Round The classical round-method, who returns an integer. This integer is the nerest integer of value.
Spat Calculates the Spat-product, which is defined by (a X b). c, where "X" is the crossorproduct and "." is the dotarproduct It is the same as the determinant of the Matrix, which has this vectors as columns.
trunc The classical trunc-method, who returns an integer. This integer is the greatest integer less value.

Public Instance Constructors

Utils Constructor Initializes a new instance of the Utils class.

Public Instance Methods

Equals (inherited from Object)Overloaded.  
GetHashCode (inherited from Object) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
ToString (inherited from Object) 

Protected Instance Methods

Finalize (inherited from Object) 
MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object) 

See Also

Utils Class | Minais.Drawing3d.Math Namespace