Overloaded. This function checks the equality between two value. The reason for that is to aoid errors about calculating exactness with doubles. If their distance is less then epsilon then equality is done
retrieves the value of QSpline ( a quadratic weighted spline) at t. He is given by two points A and B and a controlpoint P. Additionally a weight for the attraction of the controlpoint can be set.
Calculates the points of a unitsphere, where Alpha indicates the geographical longitude and Phi the lattitude. For the values Apha = 0 and Phi = 0 yoe get the Point(1, 0, 0). For an arbitrary sphere you have to multiply with his Radius
Calculates the Spat-product, which is defined by (a X b). c, where "X" is the crossorproduct and "." is the dotarproduct It is the same as the determinant of the Matrix, which has this vectors as columns.