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Triangle Members

Triangle overview

Public Instance Constructors

Triangle Constructor The constructor initialize the class with the values A, B, C

Public Instance Fields

A Point of the Triangle
B Point of the Triangle
C Point of the Triangle

Public Instance Methods

AffinCoordOfCross Calculates the affine coordinates of a crosspoint of a infinitly line. To calculate the crosspoint use: pt = A + (B - A) * Lam + (C - A) * mue
ClockWise Clockwise checks the orientation of the points A, B, C relativly to direction. If we go from A to B and then to C we can apply the method of the screwdriver. If this direction show to the same side as the param direction, then we obtain true as result.
Cross "Cross" calculates more then the Method disjoint. So - in case of crossing - a value lam and the crosspoint is returned. This value ist between 0 and 1. The line is regarded as a bounded line. For the use of lam see Plane
disjoint This method checks, wheter a LineType L intersects the triangle or not. The Line is regarded as a bounded Line with Endpoints A and B. The crosspoint - if any exists - must lie between A and B.
Equals (inherited from ValueType) 
GetHashCode (inherited from ValueType) 
GetPlane Creates a Planeobject, which contains the tre Points A, B, C
GetType (inherited from Object) 
Intersect Checks intersecting of a not bounded Line with the Triangle
Normal Calculates a normalvector of the triangle and returns it.
ToString (inherited from ValueType) 

See Also

Triangle Class | Minais.Drawing3d.Math Namespace