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LineType2d Members

LineType2d overview

Public Static Operators

Multiplication Operator Transforms a LineType2d by a transformation M.

Public Instance Constructors

LineType2d Constructor This constructor initializes the line by the startpoint P and the Direction.

Public Instance Fields

Direction The direction of the line i.e Q - P
P The startingpoint of the line

Public Instance Properties

Q The endpoint of the line

Public Instance Methods

Cross Calculate the crosspoint with an other LineType L if this exists. In this case the result is true and with the parameters lam and mue you can calculate the crosspoint by Value(lam) resp. L.value(mue)
CrossBounded Checks whether the LineType2d crosses an other LineType or not. In this method bounded lines are considered. If the Crosspoint is between P and Q and also between the P and Q of the other line then the result is true else it is false.
DistanceOverloaded. This method calculates the distance to a point Pt. The parameter Lam can be taken to calculate the nearest point of the LineType, which is also return by the outvalue Nearest
GetHashCode (inherited from ValueType) 
GetType (inherited from Object) 
inLine Checks whether a point lays on the line or not.
inSector Checks a point lays in a sector, which is given, by the line and a second direction. If you turn the direction of the line in the counterclockwise sense to the other direction you have a unique defined field. If the point lays in that field the the result is true else it is false. By the parameter 'allowBorder' you can include or exclude the border of the sector.
mul This is the same as Operator "*"
ToString (inherited from ValueType) 
Value A valuator for the points on the line. The values lam between 0 and 1 give the points between P and Q. It its the linear function P + (Q - P)*lam.

See Also

LineType2d Class | Minais.Drawing3d.Math Namespace